Hussmann Training Portal

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Education is the key to growth. Stay up to date by attending a technician training session led by an experienced professional technician.
CO2 Refrigeration Systems Training
Hussmann is offering CO2 refrigeration system training sessions by request in cities around the United States. Sessions vary in length and subject matter. Click the link below to view our trainer's calendar and request your desired course(s). Check back frequently for additional sessions and updated timing.
The minimum number of students required for a training session is 12.
Training Courses
In this course, students can receive a certificate that qualifies them to work on flammable refrigerants upon successfully passing a proctored exam provided by RSES.
Transcritical CO2 Systems—5 hours, 6.5 with site visit
Students will learn why CO2 is growing in market share. Other topics include how Co2 is different from traditional HFC refrigerants, System Operation, System components, Pre-start up tasks and start-up procedure
Cascade CO2 Systems—5 hours, 6.5 with site visit
Students will learn the basics of CO2 Cascade systems with an emphasis on system operation, installation, pre-start up checks and start up procedure.
Basic Refrigeration Theory—2 hours, online or in person
Students will learn the basics of mechanical refrigeration systems, major components, how refrigeration works, types of refrigerants and their impact on the environment and the industry.
Corelink and E2 Controllers—2.5 hours, online or in person
Students will learn the basics of using and programming Hussmann’s CoreLink case controllers, as well as the Emerson E2 rack controller
Propane & Distributed Systems (Monoblock)—1 hour, online or in person
A brief course that is recommended if taking the Transcritical CO2 systems training session.
Transcritical Condensing Unit: 4hp and 10hp