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Behaviors in Action… Dave Tomicki

May 01, 2020

It’s often been said that disasters or crises bring out the best people. At Hussmann, we are proud of our team for always leading with our Behaviors for Success – a set of standards of what we stand for and how we act. We know achieving our results is important but how we achieve our results is even more important.

Dave Tomicki, a technical sales specialist, is one example of how our Behaviors guide us both at work and at home. In Dave’s own words, he shares a story of community stewardship to help keep children nourished during the pandemic. 

“The past few months have been a global challenge regardless of who you are or where you live, but we are seeing the good in people all over the world. 

Whether it be from our first responders up large corporations down to individuals in local communities, people are doing what they can to help those in need. 

As some may know, many families rely solely on the local school programs to provide breakfast and lunch to their children. Unfortunately, as schools across America have closed, these programs have stopped as well. Although some municipalities still offer the food programs, many families who need the food most struggle to get to the locations where food is offered. They simply don't have the means. 


When schools first closed in our county, the entire food program stopped. A few neighbors in the school district quickly realized this issue and decided to step in. An email was sent throughout the neighborhood explaining the situation. In just a few days, we had enough food donations to fill a two-car garage. 

Volunteers got together to organize the donations, working with the local school district to understand which families were in need. For the first two weeks, we delivered whatever donations were available. Eventually, our local middle school was able to still offer the daily food program but had no way to deliver the food. 



Our same group of volunteers organized a daily delivery program in conjunction with the school system. Each day a group heads to the school, loads up the food, organizes it and delivers 75 hot meals directly to homes. This delivery program will continue at least through May but possibly longer.



The level of response - and donations - from people around the community has been astonishing to say the least. But most important are the smiles and true thanks from those families being helped… it warms the heart.  

Let’s continue to take a bad situation and find some good in it.”